Cupid’s Checklist: 4 Ways to Protect Your Health This Valentine’s Day!

Rapides Urgent Care isn’t immune to all the wonderful things about Valentine’s Day- sweet gestures, giving sweet treats, and spending time with the ones we love. However, while people are busy sharing hugs and chocolates, you could also be spreading something a little less romantic—germs. Whether you’re celebrating with a significant other, family, or a classroom full of little valentines, here are some simple ways to keep the love going while keeping the sniffles away.

1. Wash Up Before You Cozy Up

Handwashing is one of the easiest and most effective ways to prevent the spread of germs. Before handing someone a box of chocolates or enjoying that fancy dinner, take a moment to wash your hands with soap and water and dry them with a clean towel. If you’re on the go, keep hand sanitizer handy, especially after touching shared surfaces.

2. Give the Gift of Wellness

Speaking of chocolates, consider swapping out the usual Valentine’s candy for something that boosts immunity, like a basket of fresh fruit, vitamin-packed smoothies, or herbal teas. And if you’re feeling under the weather, the best gift you can give your loved ones is space— you can give them hugs and kisses when they’re feeling better.

3. Keep It Clean and Sweet

From doorknobs to dinner tables, high-touch surfaces can harbor bacteria and viruses. A quick wipe-down with disinfectant before and after gatherings can go a long way in keeping everyone healthy. If you’re exchanging cards or gifts, be mindful of cleanliness, and encourage little ones to do the same when passing out valentines at school.

4. Listen to Your Body

If you’re feeling under the weather, it’s okay to take a rain check on date night or that big Valentine’s get-together. Taking care of yourself is one of the best ways to show love—both to yourself and those around you. Snuggle up with a good movie, drink plenty of fluids, and give your body the rest it needs.

Sick on Valentine’s Day? Rapides Urgent Care is here for you!

This Valentine’s Day, let’s focus on spreading joy, kindness, and a little extra care. By taking these simple precautions, you can enjoy all the love in the air—without the germs tagging along! Of course, if you feel like someone has accidentally gifted you a bug, Rapides Urgent Care is here to help! You can walk in any time or avoid the waiting room by registering online! For more information, contact us on our website.