Recently, there’s been a good deal of conversation regarding “Long COVID”. That is the name some are using to describe long-lasting negative impacts from COVID-19 is having on more and more people. Long COVID can linger weeks, or in some cases, even months after a person was first diagnosed. It is estimated that 10% to 12% of those who have suffered from COVID-19 have experienced this.
While many of them mimic symptoms experienced during COVID-19, some are unique. They include:
- Issues with memory or concentration
- Difficulties sleeping
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Dizziness when standing
- Inability to exercise
- Changes in hearing and vision
Currently there isn’t a standard test to diagnose Long COVID. People are only just beginning to study its effects, or even recognize it. But if you’re concerned you may be suffering from Long COVID, don’t worry.
Our trusted clinicians at Rapides Urgent Care say there are some things you can do to make things easier until you’ve recovered.
Pace Yourself
You may have a dozen things on your to-do list, but if you push yourself, you might wind up feeling exhausted. Give yourself more time, and don’t overdo it.
Try Simple Exercises
If you’re trying to get into a workout routine or just be active, don’t do too much too fast. Take it slowly, and gradually increase the exercise until you’re back to your old routine.
Take Short Rests
It’s good to be busy, but if you find yourself feeling winded or tired, don’t keep going until you collapse. Take short breaks where you can sit down and relax before you get going again.
Have a Daily Routine
If you’re suffering from a mental fog, having a routine can help you keep track of what you should be doing, and when you should be doing it.
Stay Connected
Being around loved ones can boost your mood and help sooth your nerves, so don’t be embarrassed to reach out to someone if you need a shoulder to lean on.
Feel Better. Faster!
If you feel you have the symptoms of Long COVID, a quick visit to Rapides Urgent Care could help. Check in online or walk-in any time. We’re open 7 cays a week with convenient locations and hours. As with all types of COVID-19, getting vaccinated and boosted is the best way to protect yourself against it. Rapides Urgent Care is here to help you manage. However, while we can help you improve some of these things, if you’re having extreme reactions, such as chest pain or debilitating fatigue, go to the nearest ER. And if you’re suffering from extreme depression or anxiety, seek help from a mental health professional. They can help you manage these symptoms until you see improvement.